Friday, May 22, 2020

4 Ways to Use the Passive Voice in Italian

When we are learning to write in English, we are warned to steer clear of the passive voice as if it were a bad habit. We are told to use verbs in active constructions, which are, well, more active: they give our writing a more powerful tone. But in Italian, the passive voice is used frequently and in a multiplicity of ways, and not without reason. In fact, the passive voice not only changes the dynamic between the elements of a sentence, subtly altering nuance in the meaning but sometimes enables constructions and creates tones that are entirely new, shifting the focus of the action from the doer to the action itself. Because it is widely used, its important for the Italian-language learner to know how to recognize it, to conjugate it, and, one hopes, also to appreciate it. La Voce Passiva: What It Is and Why Use It? At its most basic, in Italian as in English, the passive construction reverses subject and object of an action: The dog ate the sandwich: the sandwich was eaten by the dog.The mysterious bear took the little girl: the little girl was taken by the mysterious bear.Poverty killed the man: the man was killed by poverty. Depending on the context, that reversal puts more emphasis on the subject who is carrying out the verb, to clarify agency or responsibility and place it squarely on someone or something: The painting was painted by that lovely young man in the red coat. Conversely, passive construction also can serve the purpose of moving the emphasis away from the doer and more on the action itself and its weight. For example: The bodies were laid to rest under the trees; the village was burned to the ground in one night. Here we dont even know who the doer is, and that is half of the beauty of the passive construction. How to Make a Verb Passive in Italian A verb is made passive (this can be done only with transitive verbs) by reversing the subject and the object, then by putting the main verb into the past participle preceded by the verb essere. Essere is conjugated in the same tense of the verb when active. The agent or doer, called the complemento dagente, is introduced by the preposition da. Lets look at the transformation in several tenses: In the presente indicativo: Noi serviamo la cena. We serve the dinner.La cena à ¨ servita da noi. The dinner is served by us. In the passato prossimo: Noi abbiamo servito la cena. We served the dinner.La cena à ¨ stata servita da noi. The dinner was served by us. In the imperfetto: Noi servivamo sempre la cena. We always served the dinner.La cena era servita sempre da noi. The dinner was always served by us. In the passato remoto: Servimmo sempre la cena. We always served the dinner.La cena fu sempre servita da noi. The dinner was always served by us. In the futuro: Noi serviremo sempre la cena. We will always serve dinner.La cena sarà   sempre servita da noi. Dinner will always be served by us. In the congiuntivo imperfetto: Voleva che noi servissimo la cena. She wanted us to serve the dinner.Voleva che la cena fosse servita da noi. She wanted the dinner to be served by us. And in the condizionale passato: Noi avremmo servito la cena se ci fossimo stati. We would have served the dinner had we been there.La cena sarebbe stata servita servita da noi se ci fossimo stati. The dinner would have been served by us had we been there. Its helpful to review the entire conjugation of a verb in the passive voice with the essere in every tense. But this suffices to see that, when used like this, the passive voice gives more prominence to the doer of the action. Passive Without Spoken Agent However, simple passive sentences can leave the doer unmentioned, too, leaving only the action itself, without concern for who did what: La cena fu servita al tramonto. Dinner was served at sunset.La casa à ¨ stata costruita male. The house was poorly built.Il tuo vestito à ¨ stato buttato per sbaglio. Your dress was thrown out by mistake.La torta fu mangiata in un minuto. The cake was eaten in one minute.Il bambino era felice di essere stato accettato. The little boy was happy to have been accepted.La donna fu tanto amata nella sua vita. The woman was very loved in her life. Passive Impersonal: One, You, Everyone, Us All Because of its Latin derivation, the passive in Italian is also used in other less identifiable constructions: Among them is the impersonal passivante voice, which is widely used in Italian and most convenient. It is a good way to explain rules, customs, or general behavior without assigning fault or responsibility or singling out individual behavior. The agent is one, everyone, or us all: the people. There is really no perfect translation in English that has the same tone, sometimes easy, sometimes more formal. In this formula, you use the passive particle si (the same as the reflexive pronoun si but with an entirely different function) and conjugate your verb in the third person singular or plural (depending on if the subject is singular or plural) of the tense you need. There is always an object in the si passivante. Lets look: In questo negozio non si vendono sigarette. In this store, cigarettes are not sold.Da qui si puà ² vedere il mare. From here one/we can see the sea (or the sea can be seen).In Italia non si parla molto svedese. In Italy, Swedish is not much spoken.Come si fa ad aprire questo portone? How does one/how do you open this door?In Italia si mangia molta pasta. In Italy, we/everyone/people eat a lot of pasta.Si dice che il villaggio fu distrutto. It is said that the town was destroyed.Non si capisce bene cosa sia successo. It is not clear what happened. With this and other passive constructions, one can speak about something being done poorly or wrongly or badly without necessarily pointing the finger, assigning responsibility (or taking credit), or generally getting involved. It is also a good way to voice opinion or tell a story while leaving everyone (including yourself) out of it, adding a bit of mystery, suspense, or doubt. Si sentirono delle grida. Screams were heard.In paese non si seppe chi era stato. In town, no one knew/it was not known who had done it.Quando fu vista per strada tardi si pensà ² subito a male. When she was seen on the street late at night, people/one/everyone immediately thought bad things.Si pensa che sia stato lui. It is thought to have been him. Passive Venire Past Participle Sometimes in passive constructions in the present or the future, the auxiliary essere is substituted by the verb venire to give the sentence a semblance of formality, for example in the case of rules, procedures, or court orders. The sense is that of shall in English. Il bambino verrà   affidato al nonno. The child shall be placed in the care of his grandfather.Queste leggi verranno ubbidite da tutti senza eccezioni. These laws shall be obeyed without exceptions. Passive with Andare   Past Participle Andare is used a bit in the same way as venire in passive constructions—to express orders, rules, and procedures: a must in English. Le leggi vanno rispettate. The laws must be respected. I compiti vanno fatti. The homework must be done.La bambina va portata a casa di sua mamma. The child must be taken home to her mother.Le porte vanno chiuse alle ore 19:00. The doors must be closed at 7 p.m. Andare is also used in passive constructions to express loss or destruction without assigning blame or when the culprit is unknown: Le lettere andarono perse nel naufragio. The letters got lost in the shipwreck.Nellincendio andà ² distrutto tutto. Everything was destroyed in the fire. Passive with Dovere, Potere, and Volere Past Participle In passive voice constructions with the helping verbs dovere (to have to), potere (to be able to), and volere (to want), the helping verb goes before the passive auxuliary essere and the past participle: Non voglio essere portata in ospedale. I dont want to be taken to the hospital.Voglio che il bambino sia trovato subito! I want the child to be found immediately!I bambini devono essere stati portati a casa. The children must have been taken home. Il cane puà ² essere stato adottato. The dog could have been adopted. Dovere is used with passive voice in rules, orders, and ways of doing things: Il grano deve essere piantato prima di primavera. The wheat must be planted before spring.Le multe devono essere pagate prima di venerdà ¬. The fines must be paid before Friday.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass - 1308 Words

The Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass Essay The controversy of racism scorches Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass written by Frederick Douglass himself. Douglass unveils the atrocious truth about slavery that was hidden for so many years. Every beating, every death, every malicious act was all recorded for the people of the U.S. to finally see the error of our ways. The short essay, Slavery as a Mythologized Institution, explains how people in that time period justified the disgusting behavior that was demonstrated regularly. Religion and intellectual inferiority were concepts that were used to manipulate the minds of everyone around into believing that practicing slavery was acceptable. However a very courageous man, Frederick Douglass challenges those beliefs. Douglass debunks the mythology of slavery in his narrative by rebuking the romantic image of slavery with very disturbing imagery, promotes his own views on the intellectual belief of slaves, and exposes t he â€Å"system† for promoting the disloyalty among slaves. What the average person does not know about slavery is all of the inhumane behavior that was tolerated. To describe these acts as cruel would be an understatement, Douglass does not hold back on the tragedies he witnessed and he does not hold back on sharing them with the world. For so many years slave owners comforted themselves with the thought of the romantic image of slavery, claiming it was God’s will to let these people suffer,Show MoreRelatedNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass987 Words   |  4 PagesLife of Frederick In the â€Å"narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass an American slave written by himself† Frederick reveled to audience the time he was living as a slave and the moments of brutal treats for example psychological, emotional and physical abuses. He was suffering terrible moments during his 20 years as a slave in the twentieth century. In addition, he describes in his own words the strategies he used to escape from the slave holders and to be free. This story the â€Å"Narrative of theRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1730 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the most well-known slavery narratives was lived and written by Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was a civil rights activist who was born into slavery on a plantation in eastern Maryland in February 1818. His exact birth date is unknown, he states in his narrative, â€Å"I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it.†2 His birth name was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, which was given by hisRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay1102 Words   |  5 PagesDate Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Writing in the favor of black people has always remained controversial from the very beginning. Critics regard such writing as â€Å"a highly conventionalized genre† indicating that â€Å"its status as literature was long disputed but the literary merits of its most famous example such as Frederick Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†¦are widely recognized today.† (Ryan:537) Despite of such severe resistance, writers like Douglass have pennedRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1566 Words   |  7 PagesThe â€Å"Narratives of the Life of Frederick Douglass† is the story of Frederick Douglass’ life from the time he was born into slavery, to the time he escaped to freedom in the north. When Douglass wrote this book, slavery was still legal in a large portion of the United States. After Douglass’ escape to freedom and his continuation of his education, he became an abolitionist through his works of literatu re and speeches. In â€Å"The Blessings of Slavery†, by George Fitzhugh he states that southern slavesRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1257 Words   |  6 PagesBook Review By Mary Elizabeth Ralls Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass: An autobiography written by Frederick Douglass Millennium publication, 1945edition 75 pages Frederick Douglass whose real name was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey approximately birthdate is in1818, the month or day is not known, he died in 1895. He is one of the most famous advocates and the greatest leaders of anti-slavery in the past 200 or so years.Read MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay1498 Words   |  6 Pagessoutherners believed that one of the most essential means of life was slavery. In the novel, Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass challenges and debunks the idea of slavery being a necessary part of the white lifestyle; many pro-slavery arguments consisted of religion justifying slavery, slaves being â€Å"easily manipulated†/ignorant, and slavery keeping the southern economy from disappearing (The Proslavery Argument). Frederick uses personal experiences and other tactics to expose theRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1363 Words   |  6 Pages In The Narrative of the Life of Frederic k Douglass, Frederick Douglass portrays the importance of education because of its influence in leveling the playing field between the races in the 1800s. Education and knowledge are themes that are heavily dwelled upon throughout the novel, inspiring the reader to see the full power of such important ideals and to take the full advantage of both at all times. Douglass gives the reader a new appreciation for education as he delivers his message regardingRead MoreThe Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass1527 Words   |  7 Pagesconsidered â€Å"property† of their slaveholders and had no control over their own life. They were victims of psychological and physical brutal treatment. This story represents confinement, slavery and the lack of power African people had in such a racist society back in those days. African talents were absolutely wasted and they were considered inferior to white individuals. The â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass† sim ply addresses that white society was causing negative effects to itself andRead MoreNarrative Life Of Frederick Douglass1549 Words   |  7 PagesThe Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass’ is an autobiography of Frederick Douglass, the slave who escaped and became one of renowned social reformers of his time. The book is a collection of actual experiences of the author during his time in slavery and experiences of fellow slaves. He describes brilliantly the oppressive conditions into which he was born, lived, as well as his struggles and triumphs. The author meant to make the reader comprehend life of the African Americans in slavery beforeRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1255 Words   |  6 PagesFrederick Douglass, throughout Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, uses religion to get many of his points across. In one way, religion plays a huge role in Douglass’ ability to become literate throughout the text. With the Bible and other Christi an texts, Douglass is able to further his ability and the ability of others to read. This becomes important because as Douglass points out the slaveholders believe a literate slave is not a good slave. This union of literacy and religion show the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Powerful Approach To Teaching Physics Education Essay Free Essays

In most local schools, structured enquiry, a really controlled attack, is the most prevailing type of enquiry instruction. Guided enquiry on the other manus is a modified construction in which the elaborate stairss on how to look into are non provided. This helps pupils to explicate their ain solutions when work outing the job. We will write a custom essay sample on Powerful Approach To Teaching Physics Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Students get critical thought accomplishments during this procedure. Open enquiry may non be suited for secondary degree because of its non-structured attack. Making usage of incompatible events in natural philosophies enquiries, consequences in cognitive struggle that enhances pupils ‘ conceptual apprehension and their attitudes towards critical thought activities ( Fensham A ; Kass, 1988 ) . Discrepant events are fun to utilize because it creates this cognitive struggle that motivates pupils to believe critically, discuss and seek to explicate the incompatible event. There are many more ways of bring forthing enquiry such as utilizing presentations, prosecuting in hypothesis testing, affecting pupils in making scientific discipline and weaving inquiry-based research lab probe into every lesson. I feel that the burden lies on instructors to assist pupils do advancement from structured to guided enquiry by scaffolding the lesson ab initio. As pupils get better and confident at utilizing enquiry, this aid can bit by bit be removed, taking to guided enquiry. By fiting pupils to understand their milieus, they will be able to use the scientific procedure accomplishments learned in the schoolroom to every country of their lives. Harmonizing to Gardner ( 1983 ) , people express their acquisition in eight different ways. Every pupil has a preferable manner of acquisition and showing themselves. Classs are really diverse, therefore differentiated direction is required to provide to the multiple intelligences of pupils. Teachers must be unambiguously cognizant of the pupils in their schoolrooms every bit good as the content they are presenting ( Tomlinson A ; McTighe, 2006 ) . Since pupils think really otherwise and larn constructs with assorted grades of success, it is imperative for instructors to happen ways to ease acquisition for everyone. Effective instructional schemes meet the demands of multiple groups of scholars at the same clip. Teaching with assortment can assist relieve ennui, supply more chances to larn and let pupils to believe and larn in their ain ways. Concurrently, this allows chances for instructors to widen students ‘ thought and acquisition repertory. Amongst there may be loath scho lars of natural philosophies who may hold some ability but deficiency motive. This is where differentiated direction might pull their attending and focal point on the topic. I believe that the key to differentiated larning includes working collaboratively with pupils to be after learning attacks so that many different attacks are available, letting pupils select ways that fit them best ( Kottler A ; Costa, 2009 ) . Everyone additions non merely new information but new ways of larning through different look of thoughts and sentiments. When discoursing hard subjects in natural philosophies, the category can be divided into assorted ability groups. A set of inquiries with different trouble degrees are given to each ability group and pupils are to discourse their solutions to the job. I will name upon weaker pupils to show replies to simpler inquiries and better pupils to show replies to more ambitious inquiries. By using differentiated direction as an instruction tool, everyone learns collaboratively, and assurance can be built when pupils are able to reply the inquiries. Overall, pupils will profit through peer-mediated acquisition. Learning can be thought as roll uping information and apprehension it. It is of class possible to hive away big sums of information in your caput and regurgitate as needed. However, understanding makes productive believing possible ( Moseley et al. , 2005 ) . In natural philosophies, there are many facts and expression to retrieve. Schools have become good at jaming in and proving this sort of information ( Kusukawa and Maclean, 2006 ) . Students are frequently encouraged to memorise facts and expression in order to salvage the fuss of understanding them to the full. However, being able to remember facts and supply the right reply is nil compared to the value of understanding. Teaching for understanding is non easy. Understanding is the procedure of doing mental connexions to fall in spots of cognition into larger units so they make sense to one ( Newton, 2008 ) . Even if a instructor explains natural philosophies good, pupils may non hold grasped the construct because he/she might non understand in the manner a instructor does. As a instructor, we provide them parts of a saber saw and at the same time assist fall in these spots to other saber saw they already possess ( Cerbin, 2000 ) . In my sentiment, developing apprehension of natural philosophies cognitions can be fulfilling and actuating to pupils as it can assist them foretell or explicate new state of affairss. Although some things have to be memorised, we as instructors should promote pupils to construct on their apprehension before memorising the construct. As get downing instructors, we have to bear in head that the twenty-first century demands novel ways of job resolution and critical thought. A bove that, we need to hold the ability to dismantle thoughts and reassemble them. Our present learning methods must be invariably re-evaluated and aligned to the complexnesss of our society by emphasizing â€Å" significance over memorizing, quality over measure and apprehension over consciousness † ( Mintzes, Wandersee and Novak, 1998 ) . Teaching of natural philosophies requires both information and counsel from instructors in order to assist pupils larn. I now realize that there is a profound difference between geting information and gaining true apprehension. As a beginning instructor, I feel that alternatively of merely conveying information through one-way communicating, the instructor should make bipartisan or multi-way exchange, to assist pupils come on on the way to greater understanding. To represent this, I believe that we can do usage of end-of-unit undertakings to measure pupils ‘ apprehension of a peculiar subject by using the relevant natural philosophies constructs to undertake real-world state of affairss or jobs posed to them. Harmonizing to Schon ( 1983 ) , the first measure in looking in front requires one to look back and reflect upon your ain acquisition. It is of import to recognize what learning methods or schemes did or did non work when I was a scholar and interpret this to the same degree when I become a instructor in the current twenty-first century context. How to cite Powerful Approach To Teaching Physics Education Essay, Essay examples